@if(Auth::user()->approved == 0)
Notice: Your account is pending approval by an Admin. Once approved, you will be able to apply for loans.
@elseif(Auth::user()->approved == 1)
Notice: Your account is approved, but you don't have a bank account yet.
- Bank Name: {{ Auth::user()->bank_name ?? 'Not Provided' }}
- Cooperative Account Number: {{ Auth::user()->approved_account_number }}
- Vactual Account Number: {{ Auth::user()->vac_number }}
- Account Type: {{ Auth::user()->account_type ?? 'Not Provided' }}
My Contribution | Available Balance:
₦{{ number_format(Auth::user()->contribution_balance ?? 0, 2) }}
Loan | Balance to Pay:
₦{{ number_format(Auth::user()->loan_balance ?? 0, 2) }}
Notice: Your account has been disqualified. You cannot apply for loans.